Tuesday, April 15, 2008

injections again

2nd dose of cervical cancer immunisation =__=

hurt way more than the first, and last time we had 2 shots...it sucked. i half took off my jumper and rolled up my blouse, but the lady told me to unbutton the top of my blouse and stick my shoulder out. i didn't want a needle in my shoulder so i practically half-stripped off my blouse for that purpose >_< thank god its only girls rofl

but guess what =__________________=

i got a needle in my shoulder anyway.

and now my arm and neck are crazy stiff...grr, last time it lasted about a week, then it started bruising for a week...i hope that doesn't happen this time round. though i'm luckier than some, i WATCHED chelsea faint...which made me feel woozy. she fainted last time, so she sat down straight afterwards as a precaution, and from what i saw, she tried to get up (with a cup of water in her hand) and collapsed to the floor (water everywhere). nurses caught her though, but it scared the crap out of me

happy birthday to steph & d, i love you guys :) poor d, immunisations/strings/orchestra on her bday! gahh, that would suck. the day was slow enough as it was :S

but, i still went running today :D kept my promise (even though i got home at 5 from orchestra). went once around the park and got bored, so i ran around the block as well...all my homework done too, so i am extremely happy happy happy but pretty damn exhausted

(ps: ben - you guys don't have netball?? its mainly a girls sport, but i thought they had it everywhere...its basically like basketball without dribbling and no backboard on the hoop. once you have the ball, you can't move (you pivot around/pass it elsewhere) which is why i hate it haha, basketball ftw!!)

1 comment:

Ben said...

We dont have that!!!! =[[[