Saturday, March 8, 2008



not your usual hardcore camping with tents etc, and it was more talking than doing things...but it was great all the same :) the place had a fricken pool table! and a piano! those things haunt me wherever i go haha :P it took less than an hour to get there (i think it was mt mortons lodge or something?) and the place had a bball, volleyball and tennis court, a trampoline, ropes courses, flying fox and other things.

the first day was talking about things we were concerned about at school (man shoes, no common room, food prices etc) and we tried to solve them or come up with action plans to fix them :) we had a speaker come in called Arthur Bolkas (not sure if i spelt that right) who was basically the PERFECT student ever in year 12 - dux, school captain, lead roles in productions, potential law student etcetc.....but exremely depressed and went off the rails during uni. he stole from TABs, got into drugs, went to jail for around 5 years...contemplated suicide before finding God and realising that he has to turn his life around. maaaan, that speech almost had me in tears a few times and even made min want to be christian (though that probably isn't gonna happen). before dinner we got into our Idol groups to rehearse our presentations for tomorrow lmao. around dinner time we started going round the room saying what we loved about our school and that pretty much made us all feel warm and fuzzy afterwards hahaha. we played celebrity heads, but with jobs from the careers guide instead. that was pretty stupid considering most of us didn't know what an arbourist was and had to look it up in the job guide...its kinda hard to guess what job you have cause theres so many out there o_o. ended the night with a freezing shower

day 2 was hard to wake up to for some reason, but the day started and we all got rolling :) had 3 rotations - another guest speaker who had already come to our school before, careers fast track presentation and a stress management presentation. the guest speaker was an artist who told stories and he had a similar situation as the other guy, except he was pretty much a high school drop-out who fell under peer pressure and stuff...also found God and now his life is on track :) he basically gave us pastels to draw with while he talked and i had a great messy time :P he drew an amazing picture and then said "this is what happens when you life is messed up" and scribbles randomly all over it D: then he says "this is what happens when you're successful in fixing it" and makes the drawing even more amazing <3. careers advice was good as well, just some stuff about what jobs would suit our personality and dont go for careers that you wont enjoy etc. stress management was also ok, the relaxation thing we did at the end was awesome...all of us felt like we had a great sleep at the end of it haha. had some free time after all that, we played some volleyball and soccer, then our group had to rehearse for the performance again. the performance was on after dinner and we all looked ridiculous in our costumes and makeup :P i was a cannon, then a naughty boy, then a hawaiin princess? our play was seriously screwed up we all was about a little boy orphan called Timmy Loo who dreams of his father being killed before stealing hawaiin when he wakes up, he wants to go to hawaii to get the treasures o_o he meets the hawaiin contiki princesses and has a drink before realising the drinking fountain has the treasures on it hahahhha. we somehow managed to win, along with a group who did a performance about shoes, and another group who did a parody of the teachers which was hilarious and very accurate :P after Idol, we all sat in a circle and had a bit of a massage session which was aaaaawwwwwwesssssomeeee <3 great way to finish off our last night :)

the last day, we just packed up in the morning, had a service (i forgot to bring my music for it and the rev went insane trying to find it and in the end it looked like i was gonna be musicless :( so i prayed for it and whaddaya know...i get my music brought to me the next day :D) and we went on puffing billy before we went home :D :D so funnn. got raped a few times by mozzies over the night, i had 7 on my legs and i got bitten on the boob and bum =/ all in all, a great 3 days followed by a 3 day long weekend...MOOMBA!!!


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