Saturday, March 1, 2008

feeling somewhat better

i woke up this morning and i was either super hungry, or still feeling like i had a huge meal

so i had some breakfast and realised i was FRICKEN STARVING. didn't over eat in case i really did throw up :) and then i had kfc for lunch LOL

10+ hours of sleep really did me good. its only been a few weeks of school, and look what it's done to me....imagine me at the end of the year, im gonna be a pretty bad mess haha :P

missed out on chinese school, but certainly didn't miss out on the homework (thanks a lot susan, you really had to bring it home to me didnt you). thank god next week is labour day holiday, the week after is the last class...then i think i'll just drop chinese altogether, it takes up too much of my time =__=

finishing off my business plan for business studies, due in on monday....along with jap, maths, english essay and an ethics sac. hooraaaah.


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