Thursday, February 7, 2008

strange weather

today was odd, starting from the moment me and steph accidentally swapped PE uniform.

viv turned around and went "steph, you do swimming?!"...we looked at each other and i realised she had my shirt cause i'm the one who swam LOL

PE was meh, it was fitness shite...I'M SO BLOODY UNFIT HAHA. last year i got 6.8 on the pre-beep-test (whatever you call it) and jumped to 7.8 on the post-beep-test........I GOT 6.2 TODAY LMFAOOOOOOOO

i wasn't totally dead afterwards meaning i couldve tried harder...but we had other fitness testings and 200m sprint after that so yeh :] all good. *must exercise more*

watched a random movie in business studies, can't remember brain kinda went numb by lunchtime and then the happy sunny day suddenly turned freezing cold and everyone started piling on their jumpers and blazers lmao :P

maths was maths as usual and science was extremely and viv were laughing over the fact that she drew a huge ass arrow from the top of one page to the bottom of the previous page :P bad explaination but it was funny at the time :D plus, we were static electricity shocking each other which really didn't help us stop shaking from laughter......

and now its sunny again O__o washed my hair cause tomorrow's photo day gah. looking forward to seeing everyone as makeupless as possible lmao :P


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