Right now I'm completely drowning in uni...seems impossible to stay on top of everything, and I'm seriously lazy but I JUST CAN'T HELP IT! I think my problem is I'm too lazy to physically write things...I just want to visually copy and paste what I read in books into my mind :( ie have a good memory.
I did marketing over the summer semester, which kept me occupied I guess...never ended up quitting the fruitshop, came back from USA being so poor I would take whatever money I could get. In other non-study related things, I got a gig as an accompanist for the National Boys Choir of Australia! Only a temporary replacement, but having a lot of fun and earning $$$$ hehe. Also got a nomination to study at McGill University in Canada next semester, so currently in the process of applying. So that's about it for what I've been up to since November :D
BASICALLY I'm too lazy to even finish this blogpost properly. Here, look at some photos.
Alright, too lazy to upload more. Aa camp this weekend so it's time to kiss my liver goodbye...