Thursday, September 30, 2010

enter/atar calculator fun

Proof that I won't fail life even if I suck at Japanese :D .........I guess I gotta get 40+ in everything now hey, thank god for my already secured 49 in music...oh what would I do without you!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

i hate japanese

There isn't even a proper word to express my feelings towards this stupid Japanese oral this Tuesday. It's not even worth that much; I would rather spend my time on my other subjects but my teacher is insane and thinks I have all the time in the world to dedicate ONLY to this stupid subject. Sorry, not the whole subject, just this 12.5% of my study score which in the end accounts to nothing because the scaling will probably account for my shitness, putting the whole subject in my top 4 against my wishes.

At this rate I might as well not show up, it's not like it would make a difference to my mark anyway =__= All I have learnt from doing a language is that NO I DO NOT WANT TO つづけます it in uni despite my fake smile and enthusiasm during general conversation. No praise for my perfect sentences, only "I bery disappointed in you Sopie dis is not good ata all, no point to come see me tomorrow. Eberybody else I bery happy with general conbasation, you must go home and study tonight and tomorrow and see me Friday"


Friday, September 24, 2010

having a meltdown

I'm SO sick of this...clearly I haven't stuck to my plans and all I wanna do is just bury VCE into a pit =__= I'm *doing* work but NONE of it feels productive. I spend 2 hours memorising half my Japanese oral, and forget it all the next day. HOW IS THAT FAIR? Plus I hand in some work to my English tutor thinking I'm awesome because I've actually made the effort to TRY and she gives it back to me telling me that it's not bad, but it's not good its like I wasted my time yet again. Don't even get me started on how I should tackle Chem/Psych, I don't even know where to fricken start...

UMAT was an absolute failure, no chance of doing undergrad med, but that's totally cool with me...sorts out my preference dilemma anyway :P Until dad started adding the pressure and being all like "so you'll do biomed, and then do med right? so if you do science, will that take you to med? how many years before you can study med?". WELL YES I *DO* WANNA DO MED AT SOME POINT IN MY LIFE, BUT IF YOU KEEP TALKING LIKE THIS MAYBE I DON'T WANNA DO IT ANYMORE HUH!

So I got over that pretty quick aha, until today when the topic of VCE just WOULD NOT leave the dinner table. So I ran away and had a cry/vented to a few friends - girls definately being the more comforting of the 2 genders haha.

I just hope all this pressure/stress/work/emotional instability is worth that stupid 4 digit number on Dec 13th


Saturday, September 18, 2010

"study vacation"

After x number of weeks since year 12 began, there's only 6 weeks until exams and I am SO RUNNING OUT OF STEAM :( It's so hard to just keep pushing on, knowing that you've *cough* worked so hard all year and there's only that liiiiittle bit to go...but...still, I'm suffering from a massive case of I CANNOT BE BOTHERED!

Plan for the next few weeks is 3 practice exams per day - 1 methods a day, 1 chem a day and 1 psych/english a day.


I'm literally not leaving the house for the next 2 weeks, unless it's to go for a run. Because I SWEAR I will get fit these holidays........oh sorry, I mean study vacation =_____=

Time to go, I'm already lagging behind schedule :( here's some from the Jazz Soiree on Thursday night!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

i know, i know...

I've probably said this a thousand times all year, but the year is just going too fast :(

It hit me again today when I finished my final English SAC (YEAAHH!!), finished learning the entire Methods course (DOUBLE YEAAAHHH!!) and received our exam packs for Chem (...NOOOOooo)

UMM what the hell man, since when did I grow up so fast? The fact that I actually remember being in Year 7 looking up to the scary Year 12s just tells me how fast the last 6 years of high school have actually been...I mean, I'm EIGHTEEN now (yes it's taken 2 weeks to sink in) o_____o um, speaking of which...

so belated D: SORRY! ahh how i've neglected you blogspot...

So I guess it's time to persist just that liiiiittle big longer :( only 4 or 5ish school weeks left until I am well and truly no longer a high school student...
