(Since I'm so OCD, I can only upload photos that are landscape...otherwise it throws out the balance hahaha)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
i looooveee friddaaayyyyy
JAP ORAL SAC OVER :D my practices were wayyyy better, but apparently the same went for everyone (except Erika of course, freakkk!)
Bring on the English SAC next week...and psych SAC on the day of formal :( but whatever, I have choir in the morning and choir at lunch so it's practically a full school day anyways...super super excited, my pres WILL be successful :D must clean the backyard first...haha
Monday, April 12, 2010
goodbye 1/3 of year 12
...hello to the next 2/3rds of year 12...tomorrow :(
So let's make some predictions for term 2 shall we:
- Another sickness, conveniently before midyears due to my internal systems crashing from studying too hard *cough*
- Another tearful breakdown because NOO A BAD SAC MARK MEANS ITS THE END OF THE WORLDDDD!
- Mass amounts of excitement for formal, of course :D
- Again trying to restrain myself from the endless vortex known as the internet
- Excessive drama, meaning I won't be able to stay off msn due to late night gossip sessions
- Being sore for a week because of my inability to run 400m...
- Music related exhaustion...ohhh happy days.
- OWN my midyears...I can DO itttt, for god's sakes it's only 2 subjects, if I can't do it then how am I gonna manage the endofyears?! *breathes*
- Be as organised as I was during chorals fever
- Get better and less nervous when I talk in assembly :(
- Finish writing year 12 song! And sing a whole song properly with Diana
- Start averaging A+'s for my SACs...gotta pick up my gameee
Muuuuum...iron my blaaazer. Also, should I wear winter uniform tomorrow? it's FREEZING?!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
eighteen no.2
Happy birthday Diana :D

Buffet lunch at The Conservatory in Crown! Ate like the biggest pig for about 2 hours and took lots of photos as usual...
and even took photos in the toilets? but seriously, prettiest toilet ever
Couple of people left after lunch, but I stuck around to watch The Last Song...yeah...I cried :( Miley definately didn't suit the part, but the kid that played her little brother was amazing...also, Liam Hemsworth is a hottieeee!
Got a free coke at Southern Cross, but jumped on an express train that went past my stop =___= took me an hour to get home cos AAHH I JUST HATE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SO MUCH
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
...can someone tell me if going out clubbing is REALLY that fun?!
So there was some lame looking underage that a friend tried to drag me to...I said I'd go just cos I wanna avoid the whole fake ID hassle and try and figure out how she finds it fun =/ Basically the event got cancelled due to "unforeseen flooding" HAHAHAHA, go Melbourne weather.
but NOW there's this normal event (as in...not little 14 year olds, and not in some crappy venue =__=) on Saturday night, and I'm being dragged into it again. I'm not sure if this is a persuasive technique, but we won't need to go get fakies cos there's a guy obsessed with my friend who knows the club owner and can get us in for sure...it sounds shifty but I JUST CAN'T BE BOTHEREDDDD
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
eighteen no.1
Happy birthday Steph :D
Full day of shopping and quality girl time...shopped from 2 til almost 6:30, and the birthday girl made us "dress up" (...yeah, way to dress up susanwearingnormalclothes) so I lasted all day in my heels! My feet feel slightly strange right now and a blister was forming last night, but I think I did pretty damn well :)
Had a nice dinner at the Chocolate Buddha; bit pricey but worth the gossip. I didn't have much of an appetite cos we'd had iced chocolates just beforehand, and I didn't have much money left because of the pandora bead we'd just bought for Steph...so now I need to spend 3 years in the gym, and I owe Susan $10.
ps, Also ran into Michael (I swear I know stacks of Michaels) on the train and he got waitlisted into Harvard and Princeton (!)...application process sounds SOO complicated and stressful I think I'm gonna rule out going overseas to study =___= semester exchange sounds good enough...
Sunday, April 4, 2010
shop eat shop eat
GIRL TIME with Lisa. Went to good ol' Box Hill to find a cheap hairdresser but they all rip you off like crazy (nts, somehow go to springy for hair problems next time), $100-$120 to dye my hair and $90 JUST to fix my patch of yellow? MIGHT AS WELL DYE MY WHOLE HEAD THEN, GOD.
Lisa got her fringe cut, I got my brows done and then we went to Chaddy to feed ourselves, shop and stuff.
Lisa bought some boots and I picked up a mac foundation (which is SOO yellow that I thought the woman screwed it up, but for some reason it looks fine on my face) and then we...went back to eating. LINDT CAFE! No luck with any of the 18th presents so we might as well waste cash on food?
SERIOUSLY. What does one get for someone's 18th birthday? AHHHHH. At least with Steph, Susan and I made dinner reservations tomorrow night, and we'll probs get her something from Tiffany's (ugh, and you wonder why I'm broke).
ps, happy easter!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
10 post it notes
what i have done so far
- Tidied room
- Made a study timetable
- Half of methods holiday homework YESS
- Half of psych holiday homework
- 90% all good for UMAT section 3
- 70% all good for UMAT section 2
- ...10% all good UMAT section 1 :( aah
- Memorised q1 of Jap oral lmao
- Made 150 formal invitations
progress shot :D viv cutting up the black cardboard, cutting up the white pearly paper, cutting up the invitation slips, cutting ribbon with me, writing everyone's names...basically yeah, doing everythinggg! All I have to do is cut 4 slits in the black cardboard, thread and tie ribbon WHICH IS ACTUALLY A LOT MORE TIME CONSUMING THAN IT LOOKS K? 8 hours of this yesterday, to the point where we didn't eat lunch and my hands were shaking like a madwoman by the time dinner was fed haha
you'd think there was sweet production line happening until you look at the *extremely tidy* table.
I don't mean formal invites...like...everything else?!
Stuff left to do:
- Chem revision (currently in progress)
- English lang analysis (this should take a day)
- Memorise Jap AHHHHH
- Get those UMAT things up to 100%! haha
- Get ahead in methods
- Buy presents for three 18ths. help, what to gett?!
- Write year 12 songgggg
- Fill in voting form and get my L's ha
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