We got there in the morning on Sunday and barged straight over to the beach :D Swam for a bit in the freezing water (according to Erika) and fried ourselves on the beach afterwards. Erika's dad brought over a stack of REAL sushi and we ate that for lunch...mum stressed out a bit because her dad's a chef and he was staying for dinner LOL
BURIED BODY WTF D: (*cough* Em's toe *cough*)
After lunch was all chill-time for us - we walked to the shops and Emma found her new love, a shop called Just Magic :D we bought these...
and Erika bought a skirt with these cute buttons pinned on it :D AND THEN WE TREATED OURSELVES WITH THE BEST GELATO IN THE WORLD
After shopping, we hit the beach again and Em and I discovered PIER JUMPING!!!!!!! OMFG ADDICTIVE!!! Plus, there was a penguin in the water swimming around...so cute! Creepy old men talked to us as well, which was just creepy...one guy had his hand on Ems shoulder for like a minute while he was talking and then pushed her into the water WTF. Some other oldish guy said happy new year to me and kept going on and on...ughh some people should just stop creeping out little girls LOL
We had dinner, then went to Safeway :D coz that's normal of us and all...bought some Pods, Nerds, sourcrapinatube, sourcrapinabottle, sourcrapinaspray, Curly Wurly and a Chomp. So basically a stack of junk food that we were totally high on for the rest of the night. That + camwhoring (coz we asian...well, almost) is a dodgy combination :)
No words can describe Emma...honestly O.O We went on the carnival thing that was set up nearby (which was pretty crap and overpriced) and even tried taking photos while on this STUPID ride called the Hurricane. It looked fun but IT WAS HELL!!!! We were all dizzy for the next half hour, I swear...
Went off to the nearest petrol station to get lattes (yes I know...this was about 9pm, I have no idea why we wanted caffeine) and muck around there too...
FINAL FUN OF DAY ONE - ferris wheel :D and photos, of course.
...and the after effect of all the sugar/before bedtime (bedtime meaning watching chick flicks til midnight)
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! haha, the next day was pretty much the same thing - pier jumping and lazing around at the beach, soaking up the Australia Day atmosphere; everyone had their aussie flag bikinis, shirts, shorts, zinc faces etc...
PIER JUMPING (do NOT try the piggy back jump...it hurts like a bitch LOL)
...home is just not as fun :(