sigh. well im fifteen and a weekish old :] like viv says IM OLD. oh and speaking of old, happy bday aiden, hao, lisa, randomchickatlaserwars, yao, johnson, mum and whoever else had a birthday this month :] i hope i got all that right O__o ITS IN ORDER TOO. none of you guys would ever read this BUT HEY :D like i said, feeling sentimental :P its a long word aye. i don't even know what it means?
just went for a run, even the 5 o'clock sun in the middle of winter for 15 minutes made me really brown O__o it'll fade in an hour though. hahaha. also bought witch hazel, i hope it works? it smells like SHIT but oh well :P
chinese school was pretty normal today. normal is pretty crazy really, debated (politely yelled) about buying cars and stuff, we wouldve won if castrato didnt yell whatever he yelled at the end :] i felt like a man the rest of the girls came in 15 minutes later :P
theory exam on wednesday, im freaking out but so calm at the same time. i hardly know anything but it'll sink in eventually :] it seems the same every year, but i somehow get by with a high distinction anyway. plus, i borrowed the answer book from my theory teacher so i'll just memorise everything word for word. that's the way i roll :]
house arts is pretty much starting to kick in, its so goddamn hard writing out the music parts to walk on by by ear :/ but once i got started, it was pretty fun. can't wait til the cast list goes up, and i really wanna see the dance :P and its not even all choreographed yet, haha.
i just wanna let this out, but i think most people have heard about the girl (claire oliver i think) who is dying of skin cancer. it's so brave of her to tell her story to everybody in the condition she's in, and i'm so glad that what she's done has changed at least some people's opinions on solariums. i think they're passing a law for it to be illegal if you're under 16, and even if you're 16&17, you need parental consent :] its really nice to know that even if you're about to leave the world, you've changed it in some way ^^ happy birthday claire, god bless you xx
also, i felt like reflecting on the year so far. maybe being fifteen does mean i've grown up O__o last year on my birthday i was busy losing my voice, pulling muscles and catching hats at the divas with viv, vic, sam and carly. well, i only caught one hat :] but anyway, that was back then, in our little group. then shit happens, as it does when you're a teen but no matter how crap i felt back then, 2007 eventually came around and new friendships were made, old friendships were patched up and life looked pretty fantastic :D went to the maybelline masterclass with lisa and brought back a truckload of freebies *LOVES*.
first big thing that happened at school was probably THE PAJAMA GAME :D :D :D yeah, even bandgeeks are allowed to have fun :P more new friends were made (whom i should have called last holidays but err, woops :\ sorry guys :P) and it was just a whole roll of fun in general :D
photography and enterprising multimedia were the best subjects ever back then, now i get stuck with media studies and nature =__= the latter is just pointless. but oh well.
the lauriston fair/ashburton fair was also heaps fun and it was awesome to see katharine and susan again. snow cones being thrown to the ground, spotting hamish and andy (...they happened at the same time :P), going on rides, icecream, beaniekids for $1, horrible tanlines, sunburns and tattoos...ah the list shall go on forever :]
this blog is getting long. i think i shall continue it on later when i next eat a block of chocolate :] but there's tonnes to look forward to, ESPECIALLY HOUSE ARTS AND URBAN!!!!!! UNO IN THE HOTEL AT 3AM, SHITYEAHH!! 4 weeks of school to go, another 2 and all the fun stuff shall begin......................................